Book Cover Art by Ars Ad Astra

Premade Covers

1. Buying a premade cover

Once you’ve chosen the desired cover from the premade shop page, you’ll directed to the checkout page. Be sure to download the Premade Cover Brief beforehand, and upload it in the designated field during the checkout process.

In case you have already paid your cover but haven’t uploaded the brief, you can send it directly to my e-mail:

Download your brief:

If I don’t receive the brief within a maximum of 72 hours, you will be contacted via e-mail ASAP. Take care to specify the correct e-mail in the account, or during the purchase.

Once the premade cover is purchased, it will be automatically removed from the website and will not be available for purchase to other clients.

2. Adapting your new cover

Depending on the workload I am currently under, and assuming you’ve sent me all the required information in the Premade Cover Brief, it may take from a day to a week to finish the adaptations. 

You will be contacted and given an estimated time required for finishing your newly purchased cover in the rare cases where the cover will require more work.

3. Returns and refunds

If you’ve changed your mind about buying the premade cover, and:

1. I still haven’t made any changes and/or sent you the high-resolution files, you will receive a full refund;

2. I have made the changes and sent you the high-resolution files, you will NOT receive a refund, as you’re already in possession of your cover, hence, it cannot be reused for another client.

4. Upgrading your package

If you’ve bought the e-book only package and would like to upgrade, you can do it at any time. 

You will be directed to pay the balance (difference in price between packages), and the additional service will be provided, depending on the package.

Custom Covers

1. Ordering a custom book cover

Once you’ve decided on the correct Custom Cover Package and clicked to add it to your cart, you will be directed to the checkout page. Prior to paying for your cover, download and fill out the Cover Design Brief file, then upload it into the designated field during the checkout process.

In case you have already paid your cover but haven’t uploaded the brief, you can send it directly to my e-mail:

Download your brief:

If I don’t receive the brief within a maximum of 72 hours, you will be contacted via e-mail ASAP. Take care to specify the correct e-mail in the account, or during the purchase.

2. Paying for the custom cover

You’ll be required to pay the base price for the chosen package. It is the minimum price for the package. Once I’ve received your order and brief, I will send you a final quote for your cover.

When the final quote is higher than the minimum price, you will be required to pay up the balance only after the design process is done.

Once the design process is done and you approve the final design, you’ll be directed to pay the balance. After the received payment, high-resolution files will be sent to your e-mail address.

If you have any doubts about purchasing your new cover, feel free to contact me with your inquiry prior to ordering.

3. Draft Stage

You will be provided with at least one, often two, and a maximum of five drafts, depending on the package you’ve chosen. Once we’ve agreed to continue working on one of the drafts, you will be regularly updated of the design process, especially when those are lengthy. 

4. Completion

Once the design might be finished, you’ll be sent a low-resolution image of the final design. Once the design process is done and you approve the final design, you’ll be directed to pay the balance. After the received payment, high-resolution files will be sent to your e-mail address.

More questions? See my FAQ page, or send me an e-mail.